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Eberl: “These operations will be the nail in the coffin of football”

Emmanuel Adjetey




In a candid interview with the German newspaper *Sueddeutsche Zeitung*, Bayern Munich’s sporting director, Max Eberl, discussed the pressing financial issues in football, focusing on the influx of Arab capital and the skyrocketing transfer fees, exemplified by the case of Kylian Mbappé.

 The Perils of Financial Greed

Eberl warned that the relentless pursuit of money in football could harm the sport. “You can always become more greedy with money, but everyone who is greedy with money will gradually become the nail in the coffin of football,” he stated. “If at some point all the money leaves the market, then there will be nothing left to do business. We are talking about hundreds of millions. It is too much, and at some point, you feel it is going to explode.”

These comments were in response to questions about Mbappé’s potential transfer to Real Madrid, highlighting the unsustainable nature of current financial practices in football.

The Impact of Saudi Investment

Eberl also voiced concerns about the influx of Saudi capital, emphasizing that it does not benefit clubs in the long run. “Money is leaving the market. No club benefits from this. Players, families, agents, everyone benefits, but not the clubs. In the past, at least the clubs benefited. The money remained in the cycle, and that will become less and less,” he explained.

This viewpoint reflects a growing fear among football executives that the traditional financial ecosystem is being disrupted, with potentially harmful long-term consequences for clubs.

 Balancing Success and Financial Stability

Eberl acknowledged the challenge clubs face in balancing sporting success with financial stability. “Of course, I know that they will not applaud me here if we finish fifth, but our finances have improved. Bayern has managed to do it repeatedly. Of course, I also want sporting success. As the person responsible for the sports area, I regularly face this dilemma,” he admitted.

This statement underscores the ongoing struggle for clubs like Bayern Munich to remain competitive on the field while ensuring financial health.


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