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Endrick’s Real Madrid presentation date revealed, will join new teammates in US tour




(Photo by Mark Thorstenson/ISI Photos/USSF/Getty Images for USSF)

Young Brazilian prodigy Endrick is set to sign his contract with Real Madrid on July 21 according to ESPN Brasil. The signing marks a significant milestone for both the player and the club, as they formalize their partnership.

Real Madrid announced his signing last year, but the player can’t officially sign the contract until the turns 18 – which he will on July 21.

Endrick, who has been hailed as one of the most promising talents to emerge from Brazil in recent years, will officially join the ranks of Los Blancos. The anticipation surrounding his arrival has been building, with many fans eager to see how his skills will translate to European football.

Following the contract signing, Endrick will be presented to the media on July 26, donning the iconic Real Madrid shirt for the first time. This event is expected to draw significant media attention, showcasing the club’s newest acquisition to the world.

After the presentation, Endrick will join the Real Madrid squad for their pre-season preparations in the United States. This pre-season tour will be crucial for Endrick as he integrates with his new teammates and adapts to the playing style of the Spanish giants. The training sessions and friendly matches will provide him with the opportunity to demonstrate his talent and potential to both the coaching staff and fans alike.

Endrick’s arrival is part of Real Madrid’s ongoing strategy to invest in young talent, ensuring a bright future for the club. Fans and analysts will be closely watching his progress, eager to see how he develops under the tutelage of the club’s experienced coaching team.

With his signing, presentation, and integration into the pre-season squad, Endrick’s journey with Real Madrid begins, promising an exciting chapter in the storied history of one of the world’s most prestigious football clubs.

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