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Inter Milan targets Real Madrid’s Nacho as free agent

Emmanuel Adjetey



The prospect of signing a player with Nacho Fernandez’s pedigree for free has captivated Inter Milan, a club renowned for its strategic acquisitions of free agents. As reported by Gazzetta dello Sport, Inter is formulating a plan to lure the Real Madrid captain away from his current trajectory towards Major League Soccer (MLS).

Rejecting mouthwatering deals

Nacho, who has decided to conclude his long tenure at Real Madrid, has reportedly turned down more lucrative offers in favor of seeking new adventures. While his preference leans towards a move to the United States for a less intense competition in the MLS after years of European football, Inter Milan remains determined to sway his decision.

“In his heart, there is a resounding preference for the future: the United States, a lighter stage in the MLS after so many European battles,” reports the Italian newspaper. However, Inter’s ambitious approach and expertise in signing high-caliber free agents might rekindle Nacho’s interest in staying within European football.

Change in plans for the Nerazzurris

This potential signing could alter Inter’s original plan, which involved extending the contracts of veterans Francesco Acerbi and Stefan de Vrij for another year. The Italian club faces the challenge of finding a defender who can seamlessly fit into their three-man defense system while bringing substantial international experience. Nacho, with his extensive tenure at Real Madrid, fits this requirement perfectly.

“The leaders are thus studying the prestige blow and are also attentive to possible internal shocks: an exit in defense would, in fact, transform Nacho from temptation into necessity,” concludes Gazzetta dello Sport.

Inter Milan’s pursuit of Nacho Fernandez exemplifies their strategic approach to strengthening the squad with experienced and versatile players, particularly those available as free agents. Whether the allure of a new challenge in MLS will prevail over Inter’s persuasive efforts remains to be seen, but one thing is clear: Nacho’s next move will be keenly watched by fans and pundits alike.

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