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Lionel Messi replies Kylian Mbappé on World Cup-Euros comparison




In a recent exchange that has caught the attention of football fans worldwide, Lionel Messi has responded to Kylian Mbappé’s comments regarding the competitive differences between Euros and World Cup tournaments. Mbappé’s remarks suggested that South American teams do not face the same level of competition as their European counterparts, sparking a debate that touches on the core of international football rivalry.

Early last week, Kylian Mbappé granted a press conference where he compared the Euros to the FIFA World Cup: “For me the Euros are more complicated than the World Cup,” the 25-year-old stated.

Euros and Copa America

In his response, Messi, who has had a storied career with Argentina, highlighted the unique challenges and historical significance of South American football. “He also said that the South American teams didn’t have the competition of the Europeans. Everyone values what they play,” Messi stated, underlining the respect that should be given to different footballing traditions and tournaments.

Messi’s response praised the footballing heritage of South America, a continent that has produced some of the world’s greatest teams and players. “The EURO’s is very important,” Messi acknowledged, “but it leaves out Argentina, 3-time world champion; Brazil, 5-time world champion; Uruguay, two-time world champion.” These statistics are a testament to the competitive prowess of South American nations, which have consistently performed at the highest levels on the global stage.

The World Cup

“In the World Cup, the best teams are there, all the world champions are generally there. That’s why everyone wants to be world champion,” Messi continued. This statement encapsulates the essence of the World Cup, where the finest teams from every continent compete for the ultimate prize. The World Cup is the arena where football’s diversity is celebrated, and the global nature of the sport is fully realized.

Messi’s remarks are a reminder that football’s greatest stage is not limited to one continent. The achievements of South American teams in the World Cup highlight their ability to compete and triumph against the best that Europe and the rest of the world have to offer.

The rivalry

Mbappé’s comments and Messi’s response underscore the healthy rivalry and differing perspectives that exist within the football community. Such discussions are part of what makes the sport so engaging and globally resonant. They provoke thought and inspire players and fans alike to appreciate the rich tapestry of football traditions around the world.

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