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Real Madrid and Kylian Mbappé want the player’s presentation before Euros, but PSG and France have the final word – report




(Photo by Franco Arland/Getty Images)

The anticipation surrounding Kylian Mbappé’s potential transfer to Real Madrid has been nothing short of intense. Both the player and the club are eager to finalize and publicize the move before the UEFA European Championship (Euros). However, the logistics of arranging his presentation at the Santiago Bernabéu Stadium are proving to be more complicated than it initially seemed.

Negotiating with the French Federation

One significant hurdle is the requirement for Real Madrid to secure an agreement with the French Football Federation (FFF). With the Euros fast approaching, the French national team will convene at Clairefontaine on May 29 with the exception  of Real Madrid’s French players who are scheduled to join on June 3 (due to the UCL final). France is set to play games on June 5 and June 9, which leaves a very narrow window for Mbappé’s presentation.

Real Madrid’s desire to present Mbappé before the tournament is rooted in the substantial media impact it would create. Having him enter the Euros as a Real Madrid player would not only boost the club’s visibility but also reinforce their prestige on a global stage. However, this goal presents a significant logistical challenge: Mbappé must temporarily leave the national team’s camp to travel to Madrid for his unveiling. The club needs the FFF’s consent for this maneuver, adding another layer of complexity to the situation.

Contractual Obligations with PSG

Further complicating matters is Mbappé’s existing contract with Paris Saint-Germain (PSG), which runs until June 30. For the player to be presented as a Real Madrid signing before this date, Real Madrid would need to obtain PSG’s approval or reach an amicable agreement with the Parisian club. The dynamics of this negotiation are delicate, as PSG would be keen to retain Mbappé’s services for as long as possible, potentially leveraging this position for favorable terms.

The Tight Timeline

Timing is of the essence. Real Madrid plans to launch the “Kylian Mbappé operation” immediately after the Champions League final, signaling the start of official negotiations and preparations for his presentation. This tight timeline is pressured further by the impending national team duties and contractual obligations.

To summarize, while both Kylian Mbappé and Real Madrid are keen on a pre-Euros presentation, the reality is fraught with logistical and bureaucratic challenges. From securing the French Federation’s permission for Mbappé to leave camp, to negotiating an early release from PSG, every step requires careful coordination. The coming weeks will be crucial as Real Madrid navigates these complexities, aiming to introduce their marquee signing under the brightest spotlight possible.


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