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Real Madrid release statement to counter Ancelotti’s Club World Cup remarks, 65-year-old says ‘words were not interpreted in the way I intended’




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In a recent interview with Il Giornale, Real Madrid head coach Carlo Ancelotti made headlines with his comments regarding the new Club World Cup. Ancelotti was quoted saying, “The new Club World Cup? Real Madrid, like other clubs, will reject the invitation. A single Real Madrid match is worth 20 million euros and FIFA wants to give us that amount for the entire tournament. We will reject it.”

This statement initially suggested that Real Madrid had decided to turn down participation in the upcoming Club World Cup, sparking widespread speculation and concern among fans and analysts about the club’s intentions.

However, shortly after the interview was published, COPE reported that Real Madrid believes Ancelotti’s comments were misunderstood or misinterpreted. According to the report, the context in which Ancelotti made his remarks may not have fully conveyed the club’s actual stance on the tournament.

Real Madrid Release Statement

In an effort to clear up the confusion, Real Madrid promptly issued an official statement announcing that the club would indeed participate in the Club World Cup next season. The statement underscored the club’s commitment to competing in prestigious international tournaments and contributing to the global appeal of football.

The statement read: “Real Madrid C. F. would like to announce that at no time has there been any question regarding our participation in the new Club World Cup to be organised by FIFA in the coming 2024/2025 season. Our club will therefore take part, as planned, in this official competition and we are proud and excited to be involved in it and we will once again inspire our millions of fans all over the world with another trophy.”

Ancelotti Responds

Minutes after the club’s announcement, Carlo Ancelotti also took to his social media accounts to clarify his position. In his statement, Ancelotti reaffirmed his respect for FIFA and the Club World Cup, emphasizing that his earlier comments were not meant to disparage the tournament but to highlight concerns over financial valuations and the importance of fair compensation for participating clubs.

This sequence of events underscores the importance of clear communication in the fast-paced world of sports, where statements can quickly gain momentum and lead to widespread interpretations. Real Madrid’s swift response to the situation helped to reassure fans and affirm the club’s dedication to international competitions.

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