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Rüdiger involved in heated argument in Germany training session




(Photo via Germany)

During Germany’s training session today, an intense altercation broke out between Niclas Füllkrug and Antonio Rüdiger. The incident occurred during a training game where both players were matched as direct opponents, leading to a physical confrontation that nearly escalated into a fight.

Throughout the session, according to BILD (h/t imiasanmia) Rüdiger persistently held Füllkrug back, resorting to pulling him down repeatedly. The tension reached its peak after a particularly robust tackle, leaving Füllkrug on the ground. Frustrated and furious, Füllkrug shouted expletives at Rüdiger and directed his anger towards set piece coach Mads Buttgereit, demanding, “Blow the whistle already!”

The situation quickly escalated as Füllkrug got back on his feet and confronted Rüdiger. The two exchanged pushes, teetering on the edge of a full-blown brawl. It was only the timely intervention of assistant coach Sandro Wagner that prevented the altercation from getting worse. Wagner stepped in to separate the players, focusing his efforts on calming Rüdiger down. Meanwhile, an irate Füllkrug stomped away from the scene.

Rüdiger involved in fight with Füllkrug

Rüdiger and Füllkrug had to be separated in training on Monday (Photo via Die Mannschaft)

In the aftermath, Rüdiger did not rejoin the team for the remainder of the session. Instead, he went for individual runs with the fitness coach to cool off and regain composure.

This heated incident comes at a crucial time for the German national team as they prepare to host the upcoming UEFA European Championship. Their first match is set against Scotland on Friday night, marking the opening game of the tournament. The altercation between Füllkrug and Rüdiger will undoubtedly be a topic of concern for head coach Julian Nagelsmann, who will be eager to maintain team cohesion and focus as they head into the prestigious competition.

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