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The details of Kylian Mbappe’s move to Real Madrid: behind the scenes, finances and relationships




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On Sunday morning, renowned football transfer expert Fabrizio Romano broke the news that Kylian Mbappé has officially signed for Real Madrid. The long-awaited transfer marks the end of one of the most remarkable sagas in football history, with Mbappé set to don the iconic white jersey of Los Blancos.

The contracts have been signed, sealing a deal that promises to be a game-changer for both Mbappé and Real Madrid.

Signing bonus

According to Romano, Mbappé’s new contract is laden with lucrative incentives, including a significant portion of image rights and a staggering signing bonus exceeding €100 million, distributed over a five-year period.

Salary and add-ons

His salary will also be in the range of top earners at Real including Vinicius Junior and Jude Bellingham. Additionally, the French superstar’s contract includes performance-related bonuses, rewarding achievements such as winning the Champions League, La Liga, and various individual awards.

The heartbreak in 2022

Real Madrid’s pursuit of Mbappé has been a dramatic narrative marked by twists and turns. The Spanish giants were initially left heartbroken in 2022 when Mbappé, despite advanced verbal agreements, decided to stay with Paris Saint-Germain. This decision was a bitter pill to swallow for Real Madrid, who had been confident of securing his signature. However, Mbappé’s latest move to Madrid comes with a sense of redemption for both parties.

Offer lowered from 2022

Fabrizio Romano highlighted that Real Madrid’s current offer is notably lower than the one extended in 2022. This adjustment in salary signifies that the club has signed Mbappé on their terms, a testament to their strategic negotiation prowess. The lower salary does not reflect a lack of belief in Mbappé’s abilities but rather a pragmatic approach to fitting him within the club’s financial framework.

The history between Mbappé and Real Madrid is intricate and filled with mutual respect. When the transfer fell through in 2022, Mbappé personally called Real Madrid president Florentino Pérez to explain his decision. This gesture played a crucial role in maintaining a positive relationship, paving the way for future negotiations. Mbappé’s respectful approach ensured that bridges were not burned, allowing for this eventual successful transfer.

Unlike the previous saga, this time Mbappé was determined not to disappoint Real Madrid. He refrained from engaging in negotiations with other clubs, focusing solely on fulfilling his long-held dream of playing at the Santiago Bernabéu. This unwavering commitment speaks volumes about his dedication to joining Real Madrid and his desire to contribute to their storied legacy.

From Real Madrid’s perspective, the acquisition of Kylian Mbappé is a monumental victory. The club firmly believes that Mbappé’s arrival will bolster their competitive edge and add another superstar to their illustrious lineup. Mbappé’s talent, flair, and goal-scoring prowess are expected to be invaluable assets as Real Madrid aims for both domestic and international glory.

The inclusion of bonuses in Mbappé’s contract is indicative of Real Madrid’s ambition and Mbappé’s potential impact. Winning the Champions League and La Liga are paramount objectives for the club, and Mbappé’s presence significantly enhances their chances of achieving these goals. Furthermore, individual accolades will not only elevate Mbappé’s status but also bring additional prestige to the club.

As the football world absorbs the news of Mbappé’s transfer, the excitement among Real Madrid fans is palpable. The prospect of seeing Mbappé in the famous white shirt is thrilling, and expectations are sky-high. His signing symbolizes a new era for Real Madrid, one that promises scintillating football and potential silverware.

In conclusion, Kylian Mbappé’s move to Real Madrid is more than just a transfer; it is a statement of intent. It underscores Real Madrid’s allure as a dream destination for the world’s best talents and Mbappé’s ambition to be part of footballing history. As the 2024 season approaches, all eyes will be on Mbappé and Real Madrid, eager to witness the magic that this union will undoubtedly bring.

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