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Report: A closer look at how much money referees at Euro 2024 earn




(Photo by ALBERTO PIZZOLI/AFP via Getty Images)

As the European Championship progresses, much attention is often given to the players and teams competing for the coveted title. However, another crucial group on the field also plays an essential role in the tournament’s success—the referees. According to Marca, the financial compensation for these officials has been a topic of interest, revealing substantial earnings for their critical duties.

Main Referees

The main referees at the Euros are well-compensated for their responsibilities on the pitch. During the group stages of the tournament, each main referee receives a payment of 5,000 euros per match. This amount reflects the high level of skill, experience, and pressure associated with officiating at such a prestigious event.

As the tournament progresses into the more intense and high-stakes knockout rounds, the compensation for main referees increases significantly. In these later stages, each referee is paid 10,000 euros per match. This higher rate acknowledges the increased pressure and importance of making accurate and fair decisions during the most crucial matches of the tournament.

Assistant Referees and Fourth Officials

The assistants and fourth referees also receive substantial compensation for their roles. In the group stages, each assistant referee and fourth official earns 2,500 euros per match. Their roles, while different from that of the main referee, are equally important in ensuring the game’s flow and fairness.

Similar to the main referees, the earnings for assistant referees and fourth officials see a substantial increase as the tournament moves into the knockout rounds. From the round of 16 onwards, their compensation rises to 5,000 euros per match. This increase reflects the heightened importance of their roles in the latter stages of the competition.


The compensation structure for referees at the Euros highlights the importance of their role in the tournament. The substantial earnings reflect the high level of responsibility and the crucial nature of their work in maintaining the integrity of the game. As the tournament progresses and the matches become more intense, the increased compensation underscores the escalating pressure and significance of their decisions on the field.

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