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Toni Kroos set to live in Madrid following retirement, could be offered executive role at Real Madrid – report




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According to Spanish media Relevo, Toni Kroos has the intention to continue living in Madrid even after he hangs up his boots. The 34-year-old announced earlier this week that he will retire after the upcoming European Championship. The plan to continue staying in Madrid underscores his deep connection with the Spanish capital, a city that has become synonymous with his footballing legacy.

A Bond with Madrid

Since joining Real Madrid in 2014 from Bayern Munich, Kroos has cemented his place as one of the finest midfielders of his generation. His precise passing, vision, and control have made him a pivotal figure in the team’s successes over the past decade. Winning numerous La Liga titles, Champions League trophies, and other honors, Kroos’s time at Real Madrid has been nothing short of illustrious.

In an interview following his retirement announcement, the 2014 World Champion said: “The way we were welcomed was very special. I didn’t have the feeling that I had to play well and then be loved. I felt that I was immediately accepted into the Real Madrid family. Over the years, it became a relationship that is still considered inseparable today.”

Kroos added: “It’s not an easy decision to leave the club of my life, this home that I have found here. At least only the club, I’m staying here to live.”

But beyond the accolades and the pitch, Madrid has become a second home for Kroos. The city, with its vibrant culture and passionate football fanbase, has embraced him wholeheartedly. This mutual affection is evident in his decision to stay in Madrid post-retirement, a testament to the bond he shares with the city and its people.

Future Role at Real Madrid

The prospect of Toni Kroos continuing his association with Real Madrid in a non-playing capacity has also been floated. While nothing is confirmed, the idea of Kroos taking on a role within the club cannot be ruled out yet, according to Relevo. His deep understanding of the game, combined with his experience at the highest levels of competition, positions him as an ideal candidate for various roles within the club’s structure.

Kroos could contribute in multiple capacities, from youth development to a more strategic role within the club’s management. His presence could provide invaluable insights and continuity, bridging the past with the future for Real Madrid. Given his professionalism and footballing intelligence, such a move would be warmly welcomed by both fans and the club’s hierarchy.

Legacy and Impact

Toni Kroos’s decision to stay in Madrid and potentially remain involved with Real Madrid highlights his lasting impact on the club. It’s not just about the titles and the memorable performances; it’s about the legacy he leaves behind. A legacy built on dedication, excellence, and a profound connection with the club and its supporters.

As he transitions from player to possibly taking on new challenges within the club, Kroos embodies the spirit of Real Madrid. His journey reflects a blend of talent, hard work, and an unyielding commitment to the club’s ethos.

In conclusion, Toni Kroos’s post-retirement plans are a testament to his enduring bond with Madrid and Real Madrid. Whether he steps into a new role within the club or simply enjoys life in the city he has grown to love, his presence will continue to be felt. For Real Madrid fans, this signals the continuation of a beautiful relationship, one that promises to enrich the club’s legacy even further.

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