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Kepa officially presented as a Real Madrid player




Florentino and Kepa pose with his new shirt (Photo via Helios de la Rubia)

Real Madrid have, on Tuesday afternoon, presented new goalkeeper Kepa Arrizabalaga as a new player of the club. The Spaniard first went to the Sanitas La Moraleja University Hospital, where he successfully passed the medical examination prior to his presentation.

Kepa during his medical examination (Photo via realmadrid)


The player then appeared at Valdebebas, where he took photos with Florentino Pérez and was presented with his new shirt.

Kepa then went to the main hall of the presentation event. The event began with a telecast of his highlights on a big screen, followed by a speech by Florentino Pérez.

“The legend of our club has been forged with the values that have to do with the way of facing diversity. I always say that being a madridista is a way of understanding life. An attitude to face the most difficult challenges.”

“These values represent everything we are. We are the result of a culture of work and constant improvement.”

“The worst thing for an athlete is serious injuries. We are very sad about what Courtois and Militão are suffering, but we are also convinced that they are going to overcome this hard moment. We give you all our strength and all our love.”

“You are great champions. Also a message of affection to our young player Arda Güler. A big hug from all the Real Madrid.”

“We know what this moment means to you, Kepa. And I want to thank you for deciding to be part of this club despite the offers you had from great teams in Europe.”

“Dear Kepa, only a few can live the emotions that you are going to live. Welcome to your new home.”

Kepa Arrizabalaga then took the floor and appeared before the media afterwards.

Kepa during his speech (photo via RealMadrid)

“I wanted to have a few words for Arda, Thibaut and Eder. Surely they are living the most complicated moment in football, I wish them a speedy recovery.”

“It’s a very happy day for me and for all my family, friends and close ones. I feel happiness and pride in belonging to Real Madrid. It’s a day to enjoy.”

“I arrive more mature, in one of the best moments of my sports career and prepared to face this challenge. Commitment and work will not be lacking. It’s been intense days, but when I had the opportunity I had everything clear.”

“Did I think the Madrid train was going to pass again? Football can’t be predicted, it’s very changing. I focus at every moment, on having the five senses wherever I am and giving 100%. I’m ready to give it for Real Madrid. That’s when it had to be.”

“The decision was very easy. It’s true that I had other important proposals, but the decision was quite quick.”

“I’m sure I’m stronger than the day of my debut. Experiences will heal you. It is true that I have gone through all kinds of situations, but I have always tried to stay with the good. I want to show all the good things of these years.”

Kepa: “Pressure? No. I still think that Real Madrid is the king of the Champions League. In the last three Champions Leagues, we have faced each other. I think we all agree with that phrase.”

“In the national team I have always had mates from Madrid and, in recent years, I am asking and I get that feedback from them and everything is spectacular. What is seen from the outside is already seen and, when you get in touch with them, they reaffirm it to you.”

“Athletic Club? It is a moment of pride to belong to Real Madrid, with all its legend. Obviously, for Athletic I have always followed the Spanish league and I have grown up watching Iker Casillas, he has been one of my references. Belonging to Madrid is a pride.”

“My five years at Chelsea? I see it from a very positive point of view. I belonged to a great club for five years and every year we fought for the best titles. I had the opportunity to play with great players and win titles.”

“As in life, there are more complicated moments but I see everything positive and beautiful.”

“I chose ’25’ because ‘1’ and ’13’ were taken. The ’25’ is the one that has touched me, so very well. I would not enter into comparisons, I come to build my path and what I do and stop doing will be in my name.”

“Do I want Madrid to keep me? Hopefully. Today is the first day of my loan. We have time, we’ll see. Hopefully with my performance I can make that happen.”

“How did I find out about Madrid’s interest? It was pretty fast, a couple of days ago. After training, I had a call. There, it all started, it accelerated and it was quite fast. I was with my wife and we were both happy.”

“I have talked to Courtois and he is now having to live the worst part of football. I send him a lot of strength, a lot of encouragement and the best of recoveries. Hopefully he can be in the green soon.”

“Did I have a thorn? In football, these situations happen. These are situations that we have to deal with. I am very happy to be here today. My career has been like this, it can’t be changed. I can look to the future and the future is Real Madrid. Nice to be here.”


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